My significant other cannot stand many trends. I have pieces in my wardrobes that have names such as, "your ugly dress," "your *snicker* harem pants," & "your flying squirrel sweater". He was very self-satisfied when Jessica Simpson's high-waisted jeans were deemed "mom jeans" by critics, as that's what he's been nay-saying in my ear all along. I think he loves me, despite my wardrobe.
This is where the genius of The Man Repeller lies. Leandra Medine writes about her brand of fashion--unadulterated fashion worship without concern of what attracts the opposite sex. Fashion needs to be fun & for yourself. Of course, I want to look attractive, but sometimes, the heart wants what it wants & mine wants a turban!
Of course, I had to tell significant other about The Man Repeller blog. And the fact that you can contact her at Ha! Pure genius!